Make money with AMZHistory

Did you know you can make money showing AMZHistory to Amazon Sellers?

Commissions and payouts

10% of the monthly billing with every referral sign-up as commission every month.
Payout every month.
Easy payment processing via Paypal

Referral program

Drive traffic from your website / emails/ mobile apps to SellerApp and earn commission for their purchases. Set up your free affiliate membership and start referring businesses and earning commissions!

How it works

When you join our affiliate program, you will be given an affiliate link that you can use in your website or in your emails. When a user clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate software. If they sign up (either on that visit, or on a subsequent one), you'll receive a 10% commission on successful account creation! Cookies for referrals will be tracked for 21 days.

Sign up as an affiliate

Contact us to sign up as an affiliate.