Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker: Everything You Need to Know

If you're selling on Amazon, you know how crucial it is to track the performance of your products. One key metric to pay attention to is your keyword ranking - essentially, how well your products rank when customers search for specific terms on Amazon. This is where an Amazon keyword rank tracker, also known as an Amazon rank tracker or Amazon product tracking tool like AMZHistory, comes in handy.

An Amazon keyword rank tracker is a tool that helps you track the ranking of your products for specific keywords on Amazon. By analyzing data on search terms and sales metrics, these tools can give you valuable insights into how well your products are performing and how to optimize your listings and marketing efforts for maximum visibility and sales.

How an Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker Works

So, how does an Amazon keyword rank tracker actually work? Essentially, it gathers data on the search terms and sales metrics for your products, and presents this data in an easy-to-understand format. This can include information on your product's ranking for specific keywords, the number of sales and clicks you're getting for those keywords, and more.

Using this data, you can make informed decisions about how to optimize your product listings and marketing efforts. For example, if you notice that a certain keyword is driving a lot of sales, you might want to include that keyword more prominently in your product title and description. On the other hand, if a keyword isn't performing well, you might want to consider adjusting your strategy or targeting different keywords.

Benefits of Using an Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker

So, why should you use an Amazon keyword rank tracker? There are several benefits to tracking your keyword rank on Amazon:

  • Improved visibility and discoverability of your products: By understanding how well your products rank for different keywords, you can make sure they're appearing in front of the right customers at the right time.
  • Increased sales and revenue: By optimizing your product listings and marketing efforts based on data from an Amazon keyword rank tracker, you can drive more sales and revenue for your business.
  • Competitive analysis and market insights: An Amazon keyword rank tracker can also help you understand how well your products are performing compared to your competitors, and give you insights into trends and changes in the market.

Top Features to Look for in an Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker

When choosing an Amazon keyword rank tracker, there are a few key features to look for:

  • Accurate and up-to-date data: Make sure the tool you choose is reliable and provides the most accurate and up-to-date data possible.
  • User-friendly interface: The tool should be easy to use and understand, with a clear and intuitive interface.
  • Integration with other Amazon seller tools: If you're using other tools to manage your Amazon business, look for a keyword rank tracker that integrates seamlessly with them.
  • Customizable reporting and alerts: It's helpful to have the ability to customize the reports and alerts you receive from the tool, so you can focus on the data that's most relevant to you and your business.

How to Choose the Right Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker for Your Business

With so many different Amazon keyword rank trackers on the market, it can be tough to know which one to choose. Here are a few tips for finding the right tool for your business:

  • Determine your needs and budget: Before you start looking at different tools, think about what you need from an Amazon keyword rank tracker. Do you need advanced features, or are you looking for something more basic? Also consider your budget - how much are you willing to spend on a keyword rank tracker?
  • Research and compare different options: Once you have a sense of your needs and budget, start researching and comparing different Amazon keyword rank trackers. Look for reviews and testimonials from other users, and consider trying out a few different tools to see which one works best for you.
  • Test out a few different tools: Don't be afraid to try out a few different tools to see which one works best for you. Many Amazon keyword rank trackers offer free trials or demo versions, so you can test out the features and see how well they work for your business before committing to a purchase.

Case Studies: Examples of Businesses That Have Successfully Used an Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker

Still not convinced that an Amazon keyword rank tracker is worth the investment? Here are a few examples of businesses that have successfully used these tools to improve their performance on Amazon:

  • Company A: By using an Amazon keyword rank tracker, Company A was able to increase their sales by 20% and improve their keyword rankings. They were able to identify the keywords that were driving the most sales and optimize their product listings accordingly, leading to a significant boost in performance.
  • Company B: Using an Amazon keyword rank tracker, Company B was able to discover new, profitable keywords to target. They had been focusing on a narrow set of keywords before, and by expanding their focus and targeting new keywords, they were able to drive even more sales and revenue.
  • Company C: Company C used an Amazon keyword rank tracker to gain a competitive edge in their market. By monitoring and adjusting to changes in the market, they were able to stay ahead of their competitors and maintain their position as a top seller on Amazon.

How to Use an Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker

Now that you know the benefits and features to look for in an Amazon keyword rank tracker, let's talk about how to actually use one. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your keyword rank tracker:

  • Track the right keywords: Make sure you're tracking the keywords that are most relevant to your products. This might include your product's main features, the benefits it offers, and any specific keywords that customers might use when searching for products like yours.
  • Set up alerts: Many Amazon keyword rank trackers allow you to set up alerts for specific keywords or changes in ranking. This can be helpful for staying on top of any sudden changes in your performance and reacting quickly to adjust your strategy.
  • Use the data to optimize your listings: As mentioned earlier, the data from your keyword rank tracker can be invaluable for optimizing your product listings. Use the data to identify the keywords that are driving the most sales and make sure they're prominent in your title, description, and other product details.
  • Track your competitors: In addition to tracking your own products, it can be helpful to use your keyword rank tracker to track your competitors as well. This can give you insights into their strategy and help you stay ahead of the game.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with an Amazon Keyword Rank Tracker

While an Amazon keyword rank tracker can be a powerful tool for improving your performance on Amazon, it's important to use it wisely. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid when using a keyword rank tracker:

  • Tracking the wrong keywords: As mentioned earlier, it's important to track the right keywords - those that are most relevant to your products and the terms that customers are likely to use when searching for products like yours. If you track the wrong keywords, you might end up with misleading or irrelevant data.
  • Ignoring long-tail keywords: While it's important to track your main keywords, don't forget about long-tail keywords as well. These are more specific and often less competitive, but they can still drive a significant amount of traffic and sales. Make sure to include a mix of both main and long-tail keywords in your tracking.
  • Not using the data to optimize your listings: It's one thing to track your keyword rankings, but it's another thing entirely to use that data to actually improve your performance. Make sure you're using the data from your keyword rank tracker to optimize your product listings and marketing efforts, and not just collecting data for its own sake.

Additional Resources

If you're looking for more information on Amazon keyword rank trackers and how to use them effectively, here are a few additional resources to check out:

  • Amazon's seller central: Amazon's official resource for sellers, with a wealth of information on how to sell effectively on the platform. Includes tips on optimizing your listings, using keywords, and more.
  • Jungle Scout's blog: Jungle Scout is a popular Amazon seller tool that includes a keyword rank tracker. Their blog includes a range of articles on Amazon keyword research and optimization, including tips on how to use their tool effectively.
  • SellerApp's blog: SellerApp is another popular Amazon seller tool that includes a keyword rank tracker. Their blog includes a range of articles on Amazon keyword research and optimization, including tips on how to use their tool effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions about Amazon keyword rank trackers:

  • How often should I track my keyword rankings? It's generally a good idea to track your keyword rankings at least once a week, to get a sense of any changes or trends over time. Some Amazon keyword rank trackers allow you to track rankings in real-time, which can be helpful for reacting to sudden changes in performance. However, keep in mind that rankings can fluctuate frequently, so it's important to look at trends over time rather than focusing on any one ranking at a given moment.
  • Is it okay to use multiple Amazon keyword rank trackers? There's no rule against using multiple Amazon keyword rank trackers, and in some cases it might make sense to use more than one tool to get a more complete picture of your performance. However, keep in mind that using multiple tools can also be confusing and time-consuming, so make sure you're getting enough value from each tool to justify the extra effort.
  • Can I track keyword rankings for other marketplaces besides Amazon? Some Amazon keyword rank trackers allow you to track rankings on other marketplaces as well, such as eBay or Walmart. However, keep in mind that the ranking algorithms for different marketplaces can vary significantly, so a tool that works well for Amazon might not necessarily work as well on other platforms.

The Role of Keywords in Amazon's Search Algorithm

To understand the importance of tracking your keyword rankings on Amazon, it's helpful to know a little bit about how Amazon's search algorithm works. Essentially, Amazon's search algorithm is designed to match customers with the products that are most relevant and useful to them. To do this, the algorithm takes into account a wide range of factors, including the words and phrases that customers use in their searches, the relevance and quality of the products, and the sales and conversion history of the products.

Keywords play a central role in Amazon's search algorithm. When a customer searches for a product on Amazon, the search algorithm looks for products that match the keywords in the customer's search. The more closely the keywords in a product's title, description, and other details match the customer's search, the higher the product will rank in the search results.

This is why it's so important to use relevant and useful keywords in your product listings. By using the right keywords, you can help your products rank higher in the search results, making them more visible and discoverable to customers. On the other hand, if you use the wrong keywords or don't use enough of them, your products might not show up in the search results at all, leading to missed sales opportunities.

The Importance of Ongoing Keyword Research

Tracking your keyword rankings on Amazon is important, but it's not the only aspect of keyword research and optimization that you should be concerned with. To truly succeed on Amazon, you need to engage in ongoing keyword research to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in the marketplace.

One way to do this is to use an Amazon keyword research tool, which can help you identify new and potentially profitable keywords to target. These tools work by analyzing data on search terms and sales metrics, and presenting the data in an easy-to-understand format. By using an Amazon keyword research tool, you can discover new keywords to add to your product listings and marketing efforts, helping you drive more traffic and sales.

In addition to using an Amazon keyword research tool, you can also stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in the marketplace by subscribing to industry blogs and newsletters, attending webinars and conferences, and networking with other sellers. By staying informed and engaged, you can stay ahead of the curve and be ready to adapt to any changes in the market.

Best Practices for Amazon Keyword Optimization

In addition to using an Amazon keyword rank tracker and engaging in ongoing keyword research, there are a few best practices that you should follow to optimize your product listings for maximum visibility and sales:

  • Use relevant and descriptive keywords: Make sure you're using keywords that accurately describe your products and are relevant to what customers are searching for. Avoid using irrelevant or spammy keywords, as this can hurt your rankings and lead to poor customer experiences.
  • Include keywords in your product title: The title of your product is one of the most important places to include keywords, as it's the first thing customers see when they search for products on Amazon. Make sure to include relevant and descriptive keywords in your product title, and consider including them at the beginning of the title for maximum impact.
  • Use long-tail keywords: In addition to your main keywords, consider including long-tail keywords in your product listings as well. These are more specific and often less competitive, but they can still drive a significant amount of traffic and sales. Make sure to include a mix of both main and long-tail keywords in your product listings.
  • Use keywords in your product description: The product description is another important place to include keywords. Make sure to include relevant and descriptive keywords throughout the description, and consider using bullet points to highlight the main features and benefits of your product. Just be sure not to stuff your description with too many keywords - this can hurt your rankings and make the description less readable for customers.
  • Use relevant and high-quality images: In addition to text, the images you use for your product can also impact your visibility and sales. Make sure to use high-quality images that accurately represent your product, and consider using alt text to include relevant keywords for the images. This can help your images rank higher in image search results, leading to more visibility for your product.

The Role of Customer Reviews in Amazon's Search Algorithm

In addition to keywords, customer reviews also play a significant role in Amazon's search algorithm. When a customer writes a review for a product, they can include keywords in the review text, which can impact the product's ranking in the search results. In addition, the overall number and quality of a product's reviews can also impact its ranking. Products with a high number of positive reviews are more likely to rank higher in the search results, as they are seen as more relevant and trustworthy to customers.

This is why it's so important to actively seek out and encourage customer reviews. By proactively asking your customers to leave reviews, you can increase the number and quality of your reviews, which can in turn lead to higher rankings and more visibility for your products. Just be sure to follow Amazon's guidelines for customer reviews - don't offer incentives for reviews or manipulate the review process in any way, as this can lead to negative consequences for your account.

The Impact of Sales and Conversion History on Amazon's Search Algorithm

In addition to keywords and customer reviews, another factor that can impact a product's ranking in Amazon's search results is its sales and conversion history. Essentially, products that have a history of strong sales and high conversion rates are more likely to rank higher in the search results, as they are seen as more relevant and useful to customers. On the other hand, products with low sales and conversion rates are less likely to rank highly in the search results.

This is why it's so important to focus on driving sales and conversions for your products. By optimizing your product listings for maximum visibility and relevance, using targeted marketing and advertising efforts, and offering competitive pricing and incentives, you can increase your sales and conversion rates, which can in turn lead to higher rankings in the search results. Just be sure to follow Amazon's guidelines for sales and marketing, as violating these guidelines can lead to negative consequences for your account.

The Role of Product Category and Brand in Amazon's Search Algorithm

In addition to keywords, customer reviews, and sales and conversion history, the product category and brand can also impact a product's ranking in Amazon's search results. Essentially, products that are listed in the most relevant and popular categories are more likely to rank higher in the search results, as they are seen as more relevant to customers. In addition, products that are sold by well-known and trusted brands are also more likely to rank higher, as they are seen as more trustworthy and reliable.

This is why it's important to choose the right product category and brand for your products. By selecting the most relevant and popular categories for your products, you can increase your chances of ranking highly in the search results. In addition, by building a strong and trustworthy brand, you can also improve your chances of ranking highly in the search results and driving more sales for your business.


In conclusion, an Amazon keyword rank tracker like AMZHistory is a crucial tool for any business selling on Amazon. By tracking your keyword rankings and analyzing data on search terms and sales metrics, you can optimize your product listings and marketing efforts for maximum visibility and sales. In addition to using an Amazon keyword rank tracker, be sure to engage in ongoing keyword research, follow best practices for keyword optimization, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in the marketplace. By taking a holistic approach to Amazon optimization, including tracking keywords, encouraging customer reviews, driving sales and conversions, and building a strong brand, you can increase your chances of success on the platform and drive more traffic and sales for your business.